Kannagara Chikyu Jinja Membership

Shinto is the Genius of Japan and the basic of Natural Spirituality. Shinto offers a framework for living, for progressing in harmony with the divine and cosmic forces and flow of Heaven and Earth, and further provides us a profound spiritual technology to aid us in the work of understanding our place in the grand fabric of life and enhancing our ability to respond to the whisper and heartbeat of Kami, of Divine Nature.
While it is natural for those who grew up surrounded by western Religious Culture to view or seek to understand the Shinto by comparing and contrasting to the framework of western religion it is perhaps more useful to view Shinto - originating in deep pre-history - as a deeply sub-conscious amalgam , a reflection of time when human beings were more intimately connected to the wondrous workings of the cosmos and divine Nature.
Shinto is a way of living , a holistic world-view and dynamic practices… a model of relating to life and all those who share this brief moment, traveling together on the Divine and Living Earth - on an infinite spiral journey through space and time , following Taiyo/ solar progenitor/ the sun which is on it’s own infinite spiral path relating to the center of the Galaxy which is on it’s own infinite spiral journey. Shinto is not a Religion per se but does eloquently answer the burning questions of this current moment in our shared adventure. As such there is no form to fill out when we recognize the draw to gravitate to a deeper level of connection to and understanding of life, of this Kannagara Realm. As for knowing if Shinto is for you, it is not intellectual, it is “caught, not taught”, it is analogous to falling in love, difficult to quantify, impossible to deny.
Membership in or conversion to Shinto basically does not exist, however it is possible to become the Suukei-sya, the member of a particular shrine, supporting the shrine as the primal Earthly Home of the Kami and enjoying the enhanced connection to the enshrined Kannagara Kami of Guidance, Dynamic Harmonization and Generative Power as well as the framework for participation in seasonal observances and various types of support that the Jinja offers to it’s supporting members...this mutuality of support flowing from Jinja to Suukeisya and from Suukeisya to the Jinja is the model of co-existence. of cooperative interconnectedness. We warmly invite you to explore together this profound and transcendent path, this way to ride the wavefront of ongoing creation/ infinite life.
The Earth Shinto Suukeikai is the Organization of members of the Kannagara Chikyu Jinja. Membership means making the decision to support and be supported by work and mission of the Jinja.
Kannagara Earth Shinto Kai members are considered the close insiders of the Jinja and are warmly invited to participate in person or remotely (via Zoom technology) in the Chouhai ((group morning ceremony) on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
During the Tsukinamisai (monthly ceremony) held on the first day of each new month the health, happiness and safety of each Shrine Member and their families are sincerely prayed for by Rev. Barrish, the Kannagara Kannushi (Shinto Priest).
During the progression of the Nen-Chu-Gyoji (seasonal observances, tituals to commemorate and harmonize with Seasonal progression of Ki} Shrine Members are warmly informed of and invited to participate.
Shrine Members receive automatically each issue of Shimenawa / Newsletter of Kannagara Chikyu Jinja.
Suukeikai Hatsuhoryo/ tax deductible donations made to Kannagara Chikyu Jinja NPO are vitally important and deeply appreciated as essential funds that directly support the existence and operations of Kannagara Jinja.
Kannagara Earth Shinto Kai membership can be arranged monthly or annually:
(1) Monthly membership – after 12 months will be completed, the Shrine will send you a gift in appreciation for your continued support.
- Regular Membership (Futsu) - $25 per month
- Special Membership (Tokubetsu) - $50 per month
- Honorary Member (Meiyo) - $75 per month
- Patron Membership (Koensya) -$100 per month
(2) Annual Membership - 12 months paid in advance. The Shrine will send you a gift of appreciation at time of enrollment.
- Regular Membership (Futsu) - $250 to $499
- Special Membership (Tokubetsu) - $500 to $749
- Honorary Member (Meiyo) - $750 to $999
- Patron Membership (Koensya) - $1000 and up
Shall we together walk the Kannagara Path? May we humbly request your support of our work and mission? If you would like to become the member of Kannagara Earth Shinto Tribe please fill out and submit the application form below. Shrine Office will contact you soon via email.
Thank you very much.
Become a Member
To become a member please fill in the membership form. Please feel free to contact us for any questions by phone or e-mail.
111 E Monument Ave.#703, Kissimmee, FL 34741